Wednesday, September 28, 2011
My Chariot Awaits
There is nothing I love as much* as first thing in the morning when one hooman or the other rolls out of bed and hops sleepily into the shower.
As soon as I hear that water running, I bounce off the bed and up onto the bathroom basin...waiting. Waiting patiently. Oh so patiently.
The water turns off, the shower door opens and the now-clean hooman steps out of the shower. My pupils dilate and focus, my body shifts and my paws twitch. Ready. That hooman better get their towel on and wrapped around their shoulders in a hurry or they are gonna end up with a scratchy surprise.
One...two...three...HUP!! I leap off the basin and onto the closest shoulder in a clumsy mess of paws, claws, fur and bulk. I hear the usual groan and the shoulder lowers so I can climb over a little onto the hooman’s much more comfortable and roomy back.
Up on my hooman chariot I balance precariously as we lumber into the bedroom. I watch from above as the floor seems so much further away than usual. Triumphant. Ahhhh. And then it all ends when I am rudely shoved off my perch to half jump and half fall with a scrambly thud back onto the bed from whence I came.
I cannot wait until tomorrow morning.
*well ok there are lots of things I love as much. See here and here and here. But today we are talkin’ 'bout the shower.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I now have my very own email address. No more taking over mum hooman's email account! So if you ever feel the need, you can write to me at Looking forward to lots of emails from the bootiful lady cats – er – I mean everyone.
The puppy and I are getting on a lot better now. I still refuse to cuddle her (as if! I wouldn’t be seen dead smooching a dog) but I will now stand my ground and stay planted most of the time when she approaches me for a sniff. The problem is, she has such a big, long, wet sniffer that it freaks me out a bit when she pushes it forcefully into my face. But most of the time I understand that she can’t help herself, I’m just tooooo irresistable. Now if only she would stop giving chase when I decide to run anywhere within her sight...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Darwin: also known as...
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The plane! The plane! And the poopy puppy
This annoys me immensely. I don't go chewing on any of her stuff do I? Well OK, I *may* have stolen one of her beloved chicken necks the other day during one of my many missions onto the kitchen bench.
These bench missions are becoming more frequent lately. Everything I want is up there - chicken necks, Party Mix and no puppy!
Along with my bench missions, other things I've been doing plenty of to prove I am still the ruler of the house are:
- Meow-ling (that's a meow and a growl mixed together for those not in the know) a lot.
- Diving into the puppy's room and skulking about. I even used her gigantic doggy door the other day much to the hoomans' amusement (why is this funny?)
- And finally, I've been picking fights with puppy to get her into trouble. I meowl and stare at her and then she barks and wags her tail. This causes the hoomans to tell her off. Heh!
I am so very comfortable. |
Gordon Ramsay, or me. The choice is easy. |
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Christchurch Earthquake

Anywho, I think most of you are aware that there was a horrendous earthquake in Christchurch here in New Zealand last week. Massive destruction (more than I could manage locked in a room with a Da Bird and 100 vases even) and lots of scared lost pets who have run away. The Christchurch SPCA needs our help to deal with the rush of homeless animals coming in.
I have copied Rumblepurr's ChipIn widget (I hope he doesn't mind, but I'm sure he won't cos he's a cool kitty) in the hopes that I can get some more furriends to donate to this worthy cause. Please, if you can spare a dollar and haven't already, click on the widget and donate :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The way of the Paw
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Darwin the Lionheart
Closer...closer... |
Why the long face? |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Intruder Alert!
That is - sorry - WAS my other mousie. The nerve! |
A meeting |
A chasing |
OK, she is a little bit cute. I suppose. |