Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

Here it is! My very own blog! Not only am I on Facebook and Twitter (not so often now), but I now have this, my special page where I can keep you up to date with all the latest highflying highjinks in the world of me! I might even allow my big sister Meg some airtime too. But only if she plays nice.

I would like to say a special big thank you to grandad hooman for designing the header logo. Extra big running headboof next time I see you grandad....

So what have I got in store for you all? Well I'm not entirely sure, but how about we start off as we mean to go on with a couple of pictures of yours truly being a diva during my aeroplane model shoot:

Take 1. Nuh uh!

Take 2. Nope!


  1. YAY! I'm you first follower!
    You are a beautiful Bengal.
    We want one of those cool planes.
    I love your background on your blog.
    Can't wait to see more.

  2. Yahoo!!! It's great to have you blogging my friend, now we can see even more of your adventures!!!

  3. Good to see you have a blog. Tell Mum there are some seriously good kitty blogs you can be inspired by. I have one, so does Rumble!! Check us out then launch your special unique take on the world.

    Good luck.

    Dash Kitten

  4. Thank you for the encouragement, fellow kittehs!

  5. Hi Darwin!

    We so want one of those COOL planes! :sigh: Yoo are one lucky cat!

  6. Hi Darwin, Inigo and D'Artagnan told us about you. That is a great plane that you have.

  7. Hi Darwin! We came over from Rumbles' blog to meet you. You're a very handsome cat!

  8. Hi Darwin! We came to see your cool plane that we heard about from Inigo and Rumbles! You are very handsome and we do love that plane!

  9. HII Darwin! We heard about your new bloggie from our good furriends Inigo and Rumbles! We really like your plane, and your header is pawsome!
    Nice to meet you, handsome kitty!
    Purrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
